ABEM began the Becoming Certified Initiative in 2021 to evaluate the process for emergency physicians to become certified. Using the feedback and findings from the work of the Becoming Certified Task Force, ABEM looks forward to presenting a new vision for ABEM initial certification that best meets the needs and provides value to the specialty of Emergency Medicine.

Becoming Certified Task Force 

To support the Becoming Certified Initiative, ABEM convened the Becoming Certified Task Force to examine all aspects of the certification process. Over the past two years, informed by the Stakeholder Advisory Group and input from stakeholders like you, this Task Force has explored new options and possibilities to enhance the future of ABEM’s assessment and certification process.


  • Reviewed the current initial certification process
  • Received input and feedback from stakeholders in the specialty through: 
    EM Residency Program Surveys, ABEM-certified physician surveys, EM organization Focus Groups, Workshops, EM employer interviews, site visits, and ABEM volunteer surveys
  • Developed a Becoming Certified Initiative Purpose Statement and Guiding Principles
  • Hosted a BCI Summit to gather different perspectives, collaboratively explore the future of Emergency Medicine, and develop ideas to improve the ABEM certification process
  • Identified problems/challenges as well as opportunities
  • Looked at the future of assessment and what stakeholders value
  • Identified what should be assessed, what ABEM standards mean to the specialty, and how those standards impact training and education
  • Made recommendations on the initial certification process to the ABEM Board of Directors

Becoming Certified Task Force

What’s Next?

ABEM is creating action plans to develop the future of the ABEM certification exams, what they assess, and how they will be administered. We look forward to sharing more details in the next few months. 

Becoming Certified Summit

Multiple stakeholders met in Chicago on March, 24, 2022 to collaboratively explore the future of Emergency Medicine, and develop ideas to improve the ABEM certification process. Read more

Stakeholder Advisory Group

ABEM certification affects physicians, consumers, patient advocates, credentialers, medical educators, and more. Input from all stakeholders is critical to the review of the process for emergency physicians to become certified.

The Stakeholder Advisory Group is made up of individuals nominated from a wide variety of backgrounds—including physicians, patient advocates, medical educators, and more. Members of the group provide input and guidance to ABEM’s Becoming Certified Initiative. 

Members of the Stakeholder Advisory Group